Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Organic Gardening Tips

What is organic gardening? The organic gardening is growing food without use of chemical additives. While there are various factors involved in organic gardening, the two mainstay of organic gardening are soil groundwork and pest control. As such, gardeners try to avoid using artificial fertilizers and unsafe chemicals for pest control.
Whether you are an organic gardener or not, you can still use organic gardening pest control practices – and you may save lives by doing so. In addition, with a little creativity organic gardening can be very productive.
Why organic gardening?
Natural world exists in stability and it is the appreciation of the ways in which you can maintain that set of scales that will make a successful organic garden. Every plant has its pest but every pest has its killer. Chemical fighting on the pests and you’ll win the battle but at what cost?  
Organic Pest Control

  • Organic gardening pest control system stops the sharing of these toxic chemicals and provides safer food sources for us.  As more people accept organic gardening pest control system, we may ultimately be able to get rid of worldwide pesticide corruption.
  • Organic gardening pest control starts with the smallest amount of toxic solution. It can keep pests from invading your garden in the first place. Some plants keep bugs away and planting them next to your tasty plants is a good idea. Garlic, onions and marigolds are stinky plants that keep away bugs. You can plant them in a edge around your garden too, to cover the smell of your other vegetables.
  • Remove the Bugs when you find them and only need to remove the ones who are enjoying your vegetables and/or flowers. Another way to remove bugs is to spray the plants with the hose and wash the critters off.
  • There are bugs who eat bugs and they are a wonderful organic gardening pest helper. (Example: Ladybugs, lacewings and praying mantises are all garden-friendly bugs.). You can them into your garden and they will take care of aphids, mites and many other pests.

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